SaaS backlinks

published on 05 December 2023

Most SaaS companies would agree that acquiring quality backlinks is challenging yet critical for SEO and driving growth.

By implementing proven backlink building strategies, you can dramatically boost your SaaS site's search rankings, brand visibility, and referral traffic.

In this post, we'll explore actionable techniques for securing powerful backlinks, from foundational on-page optimization to securing placements on authoritative websites. You'll also learn how to measure backlink success with analytics tools and choose the right link building agency or specialists to amplify growth.

SaaS backlinks refer to inbound links pointing to a software as a service (SaaS) website or web page from external sites. These backlinks serve an important purpose in search engine optimization (SEO) by helping search engines determine the popularity and authority of a SaaS platform.

The goal of building quality backlinks is to organically improve the ranking position of a SaaS website in search engines like Google. Higher rankings lead to more visibility and referral traffic from organic search.

For SaaS companies and startups looking to gain traction, referral traffic can be a significant driver of new users and potential conversions. Backlinks also lend credibility by acting as "votes" from other websites vouching for the value of your content and platform.

In this article, we'll explore tips on how SaaS companies can build high-quality backlinks to boost search rankings and earn more qualified organic traffic. We'll cover determining good link building opportunities, outreach strategies, and monitoring backlink gains. With the right approach, SaaS platforms can leverage backlinks to improve discoverability and position themselves as thought leaders.

What is an example of a backlink?

Backlinks are inbound hyperlinks from external websites that link back to a page on your own site. A common example would be an article or blog post that references your content and links to your website.

Some examples of backlinks you may find include:

  • News sites or industry publications writing an article that cites data, research, or other content from your site
  • Bloggers in your niche mentioning your product or service and linking back to your website
  • Online directories, databases, or lists with a link to your business website
  • Social media posts that link to an interesting article, tool, or resource on your site
  • Comments on forums, Reddit, Quora etc. that reference your content or website

High-quality backlinks like these are valuable for SEO because they help search engines understand your site's topic and authority on that subject. In turn, sites that earn backlinks tend to rank higher in search results pages.

Backlinks act as "votes" for your website, signaling to Google that other reputable sites find your content useful and worthy of referral. Hence they are a key ranking factor.

How do I get b2b backlinks?

Backlinks remain one of the most important ranking factors for SEO. As Google's algorithms evolve, high-quality backlinks from reputable websites can bolster your domain's authority and rankings. For B2B companies specifically, backlinks should be a core component of any SEO and content strategy.

Here are some of the most effective ways B2B companies can build quality backlinks:

Guest Blogging

Reaching out to industry websites and blogs to contribute guest posts is one of the best link building tactics. By providing useful, original content to reputable sites, you can include natural backlinks back to your website. Prioritize websites with high domain authority and traffic. Offering unique insights, data, or perspectives in your guest posts can make site owners more inclined to publish your content.

Interview Outreach

Another way to secure high quality backlinks is by connecting with industry influencers for interviews. Being featured in or quoted by trusted industry sources helps build credibility. Make sure to include a brief bio with a link back to your site. Reaching out to podcasters in your field can also open up interview opportunities.

Contribute to Industry Publications

Large B2B publications often accept contributed articles from industry experts. Getting featured builds authority and earns powerful backlinks. Before pitching ideas, closely review the contributor guidelines for each publication. Tailor your pitch and draft to match their editorial needs and audience.

Promote and Share Assets

Digital assets like infographics, research reports, calculators and more make great 'link bait' content. After creating an interesting, useful asset, reach out to industry websites to see if they would be interested in featuring it or giving it away to their audience. The more your assets get featured, shared and seen, the more referral traffic and backlinks you can earn.

Optimize Online Profiles

Profiles on websites like LinkedIn, Medium, Quora and more are opportunities for backlinks. Flesh out your profiles completely and include a link back to your business site. Additionally, actively engage on these platforms by posting content and joining industry conversations. The more active you are, the more prominently your profile and website will appear.

By leveraging these B2B link building tactics, companies can increase website visibility, improve SEO and build credibility over time. A mix of content promotion, contributor and influencer outreach helps earn the high-quality backlinks that move the needle with Google rankings.

Buying backlinks can be a legal and ethical way to build links, but care must be taken to avoid practices that violate search engine guidelines.

The key is to work with companies that build links transparently. Reputable agencies will place backlinks on websites that allow paid links, and ensure proper disclosure that the links are sponsored. As long as the links are editorially relevant and add value for readers, this approach aligns with both legal and ethical standards.

However, buying links directly from a website without disclosure should be avoided. Placing paid links without the site owner's consent violates Google's guidelines against link schemes designed to manipulate PageRank. Websites partaking in undisclosed paid links risk manual or algorithmic penalties if discovered.

The best practice is to work with specialized agencies that build backlinks ethically and transparently. Quality link building services openly disclose paid links on behalf of their clients. They also ensure placements only occur on websites that participate in sponsored links programs. As search engines continue to crack down on deceptive tactics, ethical link building is the best long-term strategy for gaining trust and authority.


Does Google still use backlinks?

Google relies heavily on backlinks as a ranking signal. High-quality backlinks from authoritative sites pass authority and trust to a page, indicating its value and usefulness. Though Google's algorithm has evolved over the years, backlinks remain crucial to SEO success.

Here are three key reasons backlinks still matter:

  • Backlinks indicate popularity and trust. Backlinks show that other sites find a page worthwhile enough to link to. The more sites linking in, the more endorsement a page receives.
  • Backlinks help pages rank for relevant queries. Pages can rank for terms they don't actually contain through the anchor text within backlinks pointing to them. Backlinks essentially expand the scope of potential rankings.
  • Backlinks pass authority. Pages gain authority in Google's eyes through backlinks, especially from highly authoritative domains. More authority improves search visibility and rankings.

In short - backlinks boost a site's trust, expand its reach, and pass SEO authority. For these reasons, they remain indispensable for SEO, just as they did when Google started. While link building strategies have grown more nuanced, the underlying SEO value of backlinks persists. No winning search strategy ignores them.

Backlinks remain one of the most important ranking factors for search engines. Studies have repeatedly shown a strong correlation between the number and quality of backlinks pointing to a website and its rankings for relevant keywords. This especially holds true for SaaS companies trying to organically grow their presence.

Multiple analyses of ranking factors have found backlinks to have high correlation with page rankings. One study by Moz showed page authority, which factors in backlinks, having a 0.73 correlation on first page Google rankings on a scale from 0 to 1. Their research also revealed that 81% of first page results had over 20 backlinks, while only 4% had less than 10. Clearly, accumulating quality backlinks at scale plays a pivotal role in where sites get positioned.

SaaS companies specifically struggle with this "cold start problem" early on when bootstrapping their platforms. But once they gain traction and loyalty from industry peers, the backlinks and word-of-mouth exposure compound over time. That's why startups should be highly motivated to not just rely on paid advertising but actively build links to accelerate organic growth.

Enhanced Brand Visibility and Referrals

Earning backlinks allows a relatively unknown SaaS brand to significantly expand its reach and Recognition. Firstly, any site linking back is directing new visitors, so quality link building helps funnel targeted referral traffic. This incoming audience then gets exposed to the brand, explores it further, and potentially converts into users.

Secondly, sites in similar industries linking to each other strengthens brand familiarity and trust. If emerging tools get backlinks from established sites, it signals industry awareness and endorsement. So backlinks serve to elevate a SaaS brand’s profile and convey authority on search engines, which ultimately wins over more customers via word-of-mouth. Hence, investing in link building early on can pay exponential dividends down the line.

The core section of the post detailing actionable tips and current best practices for successfully building links to SaaS platforms.

Start with Foundational On-Page SEO

Before focusing efforts solely on link-building, it's important to ensure your SaaS platform has a strong foundation of on-page optimization. This includes elements like:

  • Descriptive, keyword-optimized page titles and meta descriptions
  • Strategic use of target keywords in headers, content, and page URLs
  • Fast load times, secure HTTPS, and a mobile-friendly responsive design
  • Clear site architecture and internal linking to aid crawlability

Optimizing these factors signals search engines your site offers value to users. A well-optimized site encourages natural links, social shares, and word-of-mouth referrals. It also helps earned links pass more equity.

Once your on-page SEO is in good shape, research websites, publications, and influencers in your SaaS space. Identify relevant domains you can pitch high-quality content to with backlinks pointing back to your site.

Great link insertion opportunities include:

  • Guest posting on niche blogs and industry sites
  • Contributing quotes/insights to relevant publications
  • Suggesting link-worthy tools or assets to influencers

When reaching out, clearly communicate the value you can provide their audience. Highlight relevant expertise around your SaaS product and niche.

Create and Promote Linkable Assets Like Tools and Resources

Developing resources like calculators, assessments, research reports, and other tools related to your SaaS can attract great backlinks.

Promote these assets through content and social media. Reach out directly to industry websites and journalists that may be interested in featuring or linking to your tool.

The key is creating something that solves a real need for your target customers. Make sure any tools or resources align closely with your SaaS product and brand.

Consistently publishing guest posts positions you as an industry expert while securing high-quality backlinks.

When writing for other sites, provide actionable tips and insights instead of overt product pitches. Subtly reference your SaaS product and include 1-2 contextual backlinks where relevant.

Focus on building relationships with site owners in your niche. Become a reliable contributor they reach out to directly for future guest articles.

Your backlinks can break over time as pages get removed or sites redesign their architecture.

Proactively identify such broken links and reach out to site owners for a chance to recover those lost backlinks. Provide alternative, relevant pages on your SaaS site for them to link to instead.

Monitoring backlinks regularly and reclaiming broken ones helps continually build equity and organic growth. Prioritize reclamation outreach to higher authority sites first.

Link building is an integral part of any SEO strategy. As your SaaS business grows, leveraging link building agencies and specialists can help automate parts of the link prospecting and outreach process to scale growth efficiently.

SaaS platforms have various options when it comes to link building packages. The key is finding the right balance of manual outreach and automation based on business goals.

Some popular options include:

  • Managed Service Packages: These provide a dedicated account manager who oversees the entire link building campaign. They develop a custom strategy, conduct manual outreach, provide regular reporting, and optimize efforts over time. This white-glove service ensures links are secured from reputable, relevant sites. However, costs tend to be higher.
  • Self-Service SEO Tools: Solutions like link prospecting and email finding tools empower in-house teams to conduct outreach themselves. This grants more control at an affordable price point, but requires hands-on effort.
  • Automated Link Building Tools: AI-powered tools can identify link opportunities, email prospects automatically, and secure placements with little oversight. This frees up internal bandwidth substantially. However, relevance and quality may suffer without human vetting.

The best approach depends on budget, existing team bandwidth, and need for customization. As a SaaS business evolves, it helps to test different options and evaluate traffic and rankings growth overtime to optimize spend.

With managed services costing thousands of dollars per month, properly vetting link building agencies is critical before signing any contracts.

Aspects to examine closely include:

  • Case Studies & Client Examples: Review examples of actual link building campaigns the agency executed, including anchors, URLs and rankings impact data. This validates capabilities.
  • Link Building Strategies: Probe what types of links they secure (editorial, resource pages, etc.) and which outreach tactics they use. Gauge alignment to your preferences.
  • Reporting & Analytics: Examine if they provide in-depth reporting and analytics into all placements, prospect outreach, and campaign performance. Access to data is vital.
  • References & Testimonials: Speaking to an agency's past clients offers transparent feedback on responsiveness, results and overall working relationship.

While link building comes at a price, partnering with specialists that demonstrate relevant experience, strategic insight and transparency can justify investment as your SaaS business scales. Starting with a pilot campaign can indicate potential ROI before fully committing.

The concluding section will summarize key strategies covered for building SaaS backlinks and underscore the importance of properly tracking and measuring link-building efforts over time.

Link analysis tools like Ahrefs, Moz, Majestic, and SEMrush provide great visibility into new backlinks gained or lost over time. These tools can track your entire backlink profile, allowing you to identify:

  • New referring domains linking to your site
  • Lost links that need to be reclaimed
  • Toxic links to disavow
  • Link anchor text ratios
  • Overall domain and page authority

Regular checks through link analysis software gives you an accurate picture of your SaaS platform's backlink health and growth. You can set up email alerts for new links or lost links that deserve recapturing. This level of monitoring is key for assessing link building campaign results.

Measure Rankings and Referral Traffic Changes

Beyond link metrics, it's critical to track tangible impacts of link building like:

  • Improved Google search rankings for target keywords
  • Higher volumes of referral traffic from earned links on high-authority sites
  • Increased organic traffic and conversions session from search engines

If crafted properly, backlinks to your SaaS platform should directly translate into better visibility and more qualified visitors. Connect your Google Analytics account to track referral traffic by source over time. Monitor both traffic and conversions from specific backlinks.

Rank tracking software likewise helps quantify SEO success. As you build relevant SaaS backlinks over months, you should notice steady improvements for target keywords. If not, reassess anchor text usage or link velocity rates. Patience and persistence are vital.

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