SaaS link building

published on 05 December 2023

Most SaaS companies struggle to build high-quality backlinks that drive traffic and conversions.

But with the right link building strategy, you can secure authoritative backlinks from industry websites and influencers to boost your SaaS SEO and sales.

In this post, we'll cover proven SaaS link building tactics to develop relationships, create compelling assets, and measure your efforts for maximum ROI.

Link building refers to the process of acquiring backlinks from external websites to your own website. These backlinks act as votes of confidence from other sites, signaling to Google that your content is useful and trustworthy.

In the context of digital marketing and SEO, link building serves multiple strategic purposes:

  • Boosts search engine rankings and visibility in organic results
  • Drives referral traffic when users click on backlinks
  • Improves domain authority as an endorsement of expertise
  • Expands brand awareness and web presence

Ultimately, an effective link building campaign results in more organic site traffic, conversions, and revenue for digital businesses.

Specialized link building agencies offer packages that streamline and simplify the acquisition of high-quality backlinks at scale. The core goal of these services includes:

  • Automating outreach for link requests instead of manual efforts
  • Securing placements on authority sites in your niche
  • Monitoring link metrics and reporting on monthly wins
  • Maintaining Google-approved best practices

For SaaS companies specifically, the benefits of link building packages include:

  • Ranking higher for commercial keywords that attract paying users
  • Establishing thought leadership and brand visibility
  • Driving quality traffic that converts into sales
  • Achieving a lower cost per lead or acquisition

This makes outsourced link building incredibly valuable for revenue growth, as it taps into SEO to fuel organic lead generation.

Link building should be a top priority for every SaaS business aiming to organically grow its user base. Here's why it's especially vital:

Rank Higher, Gain Authority

Backlinks signal expertise and raise domain authority, enabling SaaS sites to rank better for commercial keywords. This visibility attracts more qualified organic traffic.

Capture More Market Share

By ranking #1 for core product keywords ahead of rivals, SaaS companies can steadily accrue more market share over time.

Boost Lead Conversion Rates

The highly targeted referral traffic from links often converts at a higher rate into trials, demos, and paying customers.

In summary, a data-driven link building strategy is the digital marketing cornerstone for every fast-growing SaaS firm. The organic growth unleashed by backlinks outpaces any other channel in terms of efficiency and return on investment.

Link building is the practice of increasing the number and quality of backlinks, or inbound links, to your website. As an integral off-page SEO technique, link building helps draw more qualified organic traffic to your site from search engines like Google.

For SaaS companies specifically, an effective link building strategy is key to ranking higher in search results and driving awareness of your product. After all, most people discover new SaaS tools through search engines.

There are numerous ways to build high-quality backlinks for your SaaS business:

  • Identify and reach out to relevant websites and blogs to request backlinks in existing content or guest posts
  • Create and distribute valuable, link-worthy content like tools, ebooks, guides, and webinars
  • Participate actively in communities, forums, groups related to your industry
  • Sponsor or speak at relevant events and conferences
  • Build relationships with influencers to get mentioned in their content
  • Publish and promote your content on social media networks

The key is not just getting backlinks from any site but earning links ethically from reputable, high-authority domains related to your niche. The more niche-relevant sites linking back to your SaaS, the more trust and ranking potential Google will assign to your website.

By continuously expanding your backlink profile through white hat tactics, you can unlock more of the coveted organic search traffic for sustainable lead generation. When done right, link building is one of the most rewarding investments for your SaaS SEO strategy.

Link building remains an integral component of any effective SEO strategy in 2023. As Google continues to refine its algorithms, securing high-quality backlinks from reputable websites demonstrates authority and boosts rankings. With the right techniques, link building done properly can drive significant organic traffic and visibility.

Here are 3 key focus areas for successful link building this year:

Google cares deeply about site trust and authority. Backlinks should ideally originate from recognized industry resources, prominent publications, influential bloggers and legitimate directories. Prioritize securing links from sites boasting solid domain authority scores and low spam ratios.

A balanced link profile incorporates varied link types like editorial mentions, guest posts, resource lists, interviews and branded assets. Diverse links appear more natural and minimize over-optimization risks. Experiment with creative outreach and strive for placements beyond your niche.

Moderating link velocity helps sidestep penalties. Refrain from an overly aggressive approach, instead pacing campaigns thoughtfully. Analyze site metrics between efforts, targeting 3-5 high-quality links monthly initially. Gradually accelerate as you monitor impacts without raising red flags.

In summary, intelligent link building remains crucial for SEO in 2023 given Google's emphasis on trust signals. An ethical, diversified and monitored strategy can still yield tremendous ROI if executed properly.

Link building software tools help automate and streamline the process of acquiring backlinks to websites. Backlinks remain one of the top ranking factors for SEO, so building quality links is essential for driving organic traffic and gaining visibility in search engines like Google.

The main goal of link building is to earn authoritative backlinks from relevant websites to signal trust and authority to search engines. However, manually reaching out to high-quality websites, building relationships, and securing backlinks can be extremely time consuming.

That's where link building software comes in. These tools typically provide features like:

  • Backlink analysis to identify link building opportunities
  • Outreach and email templates to simplify messaging
  • Link tracking to monitor new links acquired
  • Reporting dashboards to analyze campaign performance

Link building software helps automate tedious tasks, systemize and scale campaigns, and gain insights to optimize efforts. For busy website owners, SaaS founders, bloggers and digital marketers focused on organic growth, this software enables more efficient workflows so you can secure more high-quality backlinks in less time.

By simplifying link acquisition, the right link building tools help unlock the power of backlinks for SEO without getting lost in manual outreach. The automation and organization empowers you to build more links more quickly, ultimately driving more organic traffic to support your online business or blog.


Link building is the process of acquiring links from external websites to your website or web pages. These links act as "votes" to indicate the relevancy and importance of your content, which can increase your rankings in search engines like Google.

There are many types of link building strategies, but here is an example of how to build high-quality links:

  • Write and publish an insightful blog post related to your industry. For example, a SaaS company could publish a guide about pricing models for subscription services.
  • Identify websites that could benefit from linking to your content. Relevant industry media sites, educational sites, or blogs that align with the topic are good choices.
  • Reach out to the site owner or editor and politely request that they link to your post, if they find the information useful for their audience. Explain why it would add value for readers.
  • You can also share the content on social platforms, which may lead to organic links as it gets more exposure. Interact with others sharing or discussing the post to encourage more visibility.

The key is to create valuable content that website owners want to link to because it's useful for their visitors. Useful, well-written content earns links naturally and leads to sustainable SEO growth over time.

As an example, a blogger writing guide for "types of link building" may decide to link to the pricing models post as a reference, if it provides value and helps inform their own content. By producing helpful resources, you can build quality links at scale.

As a SaaS business in 2023, an integrated link building strategy is essential for driving qualified traffic, boosting brand visibility, and improving search engine rankings. With the right methodology tailored to the SaaS industry, you can secure high-value backlinks from authority sites to aid your SEO and content marketing efforts.

When mapped thoughtfully, a link building campaign becomes a valuable relationship-building exercise across your niche, facilitating connections with publishers, influencers, partners, and communities. This allows you to organically embed your brand within relevant conversations and recommendations.

Analyzing where your competitors are already securing placements is an insightful first step to identify viable targets for your own outreach efforts.

Backlink analysis tools can visualize the domain authority, topic relevancy, and contextual links pointing to a site. Study your rivals' profiles for on-theme publications, blogs, directories, and other properties providing editorially given links.

Compile a spreadsheet of those high-quality domains and assess if they represent viable targets for guest posts, product mentions, interviews or roundups for your own SaaS. Even if a competitor has already published on a site, that outlet may remain open to covering different services in your space.

While sheer link numbers hold diminishing SEO value today, contextual backlinks from reputable industry publications remain highly influential. This lends immense trust and authority to your SaaS for both search engines and visitors.

Start by identifying widely-read trade media websites, reputable review platforms, and specialty blogs reaching your target demographic. Avoid oversaturated tech and business outlets with little topical relevance.

Brainstorm unique angles you can pitch to editors, highlighting your platform's competitive differentiators. Offer contributors free access or exclusive news to incentivize coverage.

Securing just one or two contextual backlinks from a major publication site within your SaaS category can drive more referral traffic than a plethora of irrelevant vanity links.

Building Relationships with Influencers and Industry Leaders

The most valuable links are often cultivated through genuine relationships with influencers, subject matter experts and executives in your SaaS sphere.

Proactively network with bloggers, founders and C-suite professionals on social media. Offer your expertise on relevant discussions where appropriate. Build familiarity and eventually propose co-marketing partnerships, guest articles or podcast interviews to secure natural links.

Be helpful and add value for important figures in your niche by sharing their content or giving informed feedback on their platform and product roadmap. If they reference your service organically even once, it can be hugely impactful.

By focusing on long-term connections instead chasing one-off buying links from unaware site owners, your link equity becomes more sustainable and brings additional advisory benefits.

SaaS link building is essential for increasing brand visibility, attracting targeted traffic to your site, and improving search engine rankings. However, low-quality content and spammy outreach can do more harm than good. Here are some best practices for creating link-worthy assets and conducting effective personalized outreach to earn high-quality backlinks ethically.

Crafting compelling, informative SaaS content optimized for linking should be the foundation of any link building campaign. Some key elements to focus on:

  • Solve a specific user problem or question: Base your content around addressing common pain points or queries your audience has. Meet a clear user need to make it highly shareable.
  • Offer unique insights and data: Include proprietary research, product updates, industry interviews, usage data or case studies. Present new information that other sites will want to reference and link to.
  • Structure content for scanning: Use descriptive headers, bulleted lists, bold text, images, quotes and tables to allow readers to quickly grasp key information.
  • Optimize for keywords: Seamlessly integrate relevant keywords your target audience uses to find related information. This allows your content to rank in search and gain more organic visibility.
  • Promote engagement: Encourage comments, social shares and inbound links to boost content reach. Quizzes, surveys and interactive elements can help.

Creating "link bait" assets optimized for external sites to naturally want to reference and link back to should be the first step of any outreach.

The key to earning high-quality backlinks via outreach is crafting customized, non-spammy pitches. Every outreach should:

  • Be tailored and relevant: Personalize each email with specifics on why linking to your content benefits their audience. Form a real connection.
  • Provide value upfront: Offer exclusive tips, data or resources in initial outreach to pique interest rather than immediately asking for a link.
  • Communicate professionally: Use proper grammar, formatting and relevant subject lines. Overly salesy language comes across as spammy.
  • Suggest specific placement: Recommend where a link to your content best fits into existing on-site content to facilitate editors.
  • Follow up politely: If no response after a week, politely follow up offering more information or support. Accept a "no" gracefully.

With a focus on useful, tailored and non-aggressive outreach, you can build fruitful relationships with influencers happy to link back to truly valuable assets.

The most authoritative backlinks come from recognizing and collaborating with influencers and subject matter experts in your field. Some tips:

  • Identify relevant influencers: Use tools like BuzzSumo to find authors with high domain and social authority ranking for your keywords.
  • Offer unique value: Develop co-created content like co-bylined articles or joint studies to share each other's audiences.
  • Secure product mentions: Seek to have your product organically mentioned or linked to in relevant buying guides, blog posts or roundup articles.
  • Request testimonials: Positive first-hand reviews of your product carry tremendous credibility to convince others to try it out.
  • Guest post opportunities: Write content for an influencer's blog allowing you to integrate contextual backlinks and reinforce your expertise.

Influencer link building done right develops lasting partnerships that pay dividends long beyond a single link or mention. By providing extreme value, you can earn the endorsements that bolster brand visibility.

Link building is a crucial part of any SaaS company's digital marketing strategy. By securing backlinks from reputable websites, you can increase referral traffic, boost domain authority, and improve search engine rankings. However, it's important to properly track and measure the impact of link building efforts. Doing so provides tangible insights to optimize ongoing campaigns and demonstrate return on investment.

One effective approach is using UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) parameters. By appending a unique UTM code to backlinks, you can tag each one for tracking purposes. For example: 

This allows you to view traffic sources and other analytics for each specific link in Google Analytics. You can then correlate increases in sessions, organic traffic, or conversions back to individual linking domains. If certain links drive better results, you can double down on outreach to similar websites. UTM tracking provides clear visibility into the incremental value of each link building campaign.

Analyzing SERP Changes and Organic Traffic Growth

The overarching goal of any link building effort is gaining organic search visibility and traffic. After executing a campaign, closely monitor your website's Google search performance - specifically rankings for target keywords and monthly organic users.

  • If target pages climb up in search results, your link building strategy is working. The additional backlinks have signaled relevancy and authority to Google's algorithm.
  • Rising organic traffic numbers also demonstrate the SEO value of newly acquired backlinks. More visibility leads directly to more site visitors from search engines.

Analyzing search performance provides tangible indicators of link building success. It's proof that the time and effort invested into outreach has paid dividends. If certain campaigns fail to move the needle, you can reassess and optimize based on lessons learned.

A less direct - but still important - metric is domain authority. This score (on a 100 point scale) estimates the power and trustworthiness of a website. Securing backlinks from credible sites with high domain authority passes "link juice" onto your own domain. This gradually increases your overall authority score.

Sites like Moz and Ahrefs provide domain authority metrics you can check monthly or quarterly. Look for positive trends after executing link building campaigns. Each new link should incrementally boost your domain authority. While this metric is just an estimate, it still gives a sense of whether your link-earning efforts are paying off in the eyes of search engines. Just remember that each site uses different data, so focus more on trends versus absolute domain authority scores.

In closing, properly tracking link building campaigns is crucial for optimizing efforts and proving ROI. Use UTM parameters for campaign-level analytics, monitor search engine rankings and traffic, and keep an eye on domain authority shifts. With these insights, you can continuously improve link outreach strategy while demonstrating tangible SEO wins to stakeholders.

Link building remains an integral component of any effective SEO strategy. As we progress into 2023, SaaS companies must continue recognizing the immense value of securing high-quality, authoritative backlinks while also adapting their approaches to align with the latest best practices. Ultimately, an integrated content and link-building framework underpins sustainable growth.

Backlinks signify trust and authority in Google's eyes. By editorializing your SaaS product through mentions on reputable, topically relevant websites, you demonstrate subject matter expertise and reinforce your solution's credibility. Despite murmurs of a shift away from backlink dependence, quality links undoubtedly bolster domain authority and rankings in 2023.

Commit to an ethical, white hat link building regimen this year. Prioritize forging natural connections over manipulating algorithms. Value relevance over volume. Embrace diversity in anchor text and referral domains. Most importantly, recognize that an insightful, genuinely useful content strategy underpins link wins.

While backlinks' underlying value persists, their optimal application evolves. As Google's systems grow more advanced, so too must link-building tactics.

In 2023, best practices include:

  • Expanded blogger partnerships through personalized, value-driven outreach
  • Initiatives to boost brand visibility and domain authority
  • Monitoring link health and optimizing anchor text diversity
  • Ethical, scalable tactics like skyscraping and advanced content amplification

Continuously test and refine approaches, anchoring efforts in providing actual value for users.

An effective link-building strategy cannot operate in isolation. Rather, earned links serve as a channel for broadcasting content that speaks to the SaaS buyer journey.

Link building underpins, not replaces, critical efforts like:

  • Compelling, customer-focused copywriting
  • Social media engagement
  • Effective email campaigns
  • Retention content upgrades

Integrate link building into your broader content ecosystem for compounding returns. Recognize link wins as signals to double down on high-quality content production.

In 2023, avoid a narrow view of links as merely a ranking signal. Instead, embrace their role in sustaining authority and unlocking exposure through content alignment. Prioritize users, and the links will follow.

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