Domain Rating: What It Is & How It Works

published on 29 July 2024

Domain Rating (DR) is a key metric for website owners and SEO professionals:

  • Created by Ahrefs to measure a site's backlink strength
  • Scores websites from 0-100 based on their backlink profile
  • Higher scores indicate stronger, more authoritative sites

Quick overview of DR:

Aspect Details
Purpose Evaluate website authority
Scale 0-100 (logarithmic)
Key factors Number and quality of backlinks
Direct impact on rankings No, but correlates with SEO success
How to improve Build quality backlinks, create shareable content

Understanding DR helps you:

  • Assess your site's SEO strength
  • Compare your site to competitors
  • Guide your link-building strategy

While DR is useful, it's just one piece of the SEO puzzle. Focus on creating quality content and a user-friendly site alongside improving your DR for best results.

What is Domain Rating?

Domain Rating

Definition of Domain Rating

Domain Rating (DR) is a number from 0 to 100 that shows how strong a website's backlinks are. It helps measure how trustworthy and important a website is to search engines. A high DR means the site is seen as high-quality, while a low DR suggests it's not as well-known or respected online.

How Ahrefs Created Domain Rating


Ahrefs, a company that makes SEO tools, made Domain Rating to help website owners and SEO experts. Their system looks at things like:

  • How many other websites link to yours
  • How good those links are
  • The total number of links to your site

It uses this information to give your website a DR score.

Domain Rating vs. Other Metrics

People often compare Domain Rating to other numbers like Domain Authority (DA). Both try to show how strong a website is, but they work differently:

Metric What it Measures How it's Calculated What it's Used For
Domain Rating (DR) Strength of a site's backlinks Looks at the quality and number of links to the site Shows how strong a site's backlinks are
Domain Authority (DA) Overall site strength Looks at many factors, including content and user experience Predicts how well a site might rank in search results

Domain Rating focuses on links, while Domain Authority looks at more things about the website. Both can be helpful, but they give different kinds of information about a site's strength.

How Domain Rating Works

Understanding the 0-100 Scale

Domain Rating (DR) is a score from 0 to 100 that shows how strong a website's backlinks are. A higher score means better backlinks, which can help a site rank higher in search results.

The DR scale isn't straight. It gets harder to increase your score as you go up. For example:

DR Range Difficulty to Increase
0-20 Easier
21-50 Moderate
51-80 Hard
81-100 Very Hard

Key Factors in DR Calculation

Ahrefs looks at these things to figure out a site's DR:

Factor Description
Number of backlinks How many links point to your site
Quality of backlinks How good the sites linking to you are
Number of linking domains How many different websites link to you
Number of linking pages How many different pages link to you

The Logarithmic Scale Explained

DR uses a logarithmic scale. This means:

  • It's easier to move up at lower scores
  • It gets much harder to move up at higher scores

For example:

DR Increase Approximate Links Needed
10 to 20 10 good links
80 to 90 100+ good links

This scale shows how hard it is to build a strong backlink profile as your site grows.

Parts of Domain Rating

A good mix of backlinks is key for Domain Rating. Ahrefs looks at:

Factor What It Means
Number of backlinks How many links you have from different websites
Link variety Different types of links from various places
Link quality How good the websites are that link to you

Having links from many good websites can help your Domain Rating.

Website Quality Check

Ahrefs also looks at how good your website is:

Factor What It Means
Technical stuff How fast and easy to use your site is
Content How good and useful your information is
User experience How easy it is for people to use your site

A website that works well and has good information can get a better Domain Rating.

Domain Age and History Effects

How old your website is and what it's done before can matter:

Factor What It Means
Domain age How long your website has been around
Past performance How well your site has done before

Older websites with a good history often have better Domain Ratings.

Content Quality and Relevance

Good content is important for Domain Rating. Ahrefs looks at:

Factor What It Means
Content fit How well your content matches what your site is about
Content quality How good and helpful your information is
Content updates How often you add new information

Having good, up-to-date content that fits your website can help your Domain Rating.

Why Domain Rating Matters

Effects on Search Rankings

Domain Rating can help your website show up higher in search results. A higher DR often means:

  • More people find your site through search engines
  • Users trust your site more
  • Other websites link to you more often

These things can help your site rank better in search results.

Building Website Trust

A good Domain Rating helps make your website more trustworthy. When your DR is high:

  • Users think your site is more reliable
  • You might get more sales or sign-ups
  • Other websites want to work with you more

A trusted website often does better online.

Comparing with Competitors

You can use Domain Rating to see how you're doing compared to other websites. This helps you:

  • Find out where you need to improve
  • Make plans to get a better DR
  • Stand out from other websites in your field

By working on your DR, you can do better than your competitors in search results.

Attracting Business Partners

A high Domain Rating can bring new business chances. With a good DR:

  • More companies want to work with you
  • You might get offers for sponsorships
  • Other websites may ask you to write for them

This can help your business grow and get more attention online.

What a High DR Can Do How It Helps
Better search rankings More people find your website
More trust Users believe in your site more
Beat competitors Your site stands out from others
New business chances More companies want to work with you

How to Check Domain Rating

Here's how you can check your Domain Rating (DR) using different tools:

Using Ahrefs

Ahrefs is the main tool for checking DR. Follow these steps:

  1. Sign up for an Ahrefs account
  2. Enter your website's URL in the search bar
  3. Click on the "Overview" tab
  4. Find your DR score on the page

Other Tools to Check DR

You can also use these tools to get similar information:

Tool What it Measures Notes
Ahrefs DR Checker by SiteChecker DR score Also checks competitors' DR
Moz Domain Authority Similar to DR, but not the same
SEMrush Domain Score Gives info on site authority and backlinks

Understanding DR Scores

DR scores range from 1 to 100. Higher scores mean stronger backlinks. Here's what different scores mean:

DR Score What it Means
1-30 New site or weak backlinks
31-60 Average backlinks, room to improve
61-90 Strong backlinks, still can grow
91-100 Very strong backlinks, likely a top site

Remember, DR scores can change based on the tool and your website's topic. It's best to:

  • Track your DR over time
  • Compare your DR to other sites in your field

This helps you understand how well your site is doing.


Ways to Improve Domain Rating

Here's how you can make your Domain Rating (DR) better:

To get good backlinks:

Method How to Do It
Guest Blogging Write for other websites in your field
Resource Pages Make a list of helpful sites and ask them to link back
Reviews Offer to review products or services from other companies
HARO Answer questions from reporters to get links from news sites

Making Shareable Content

Create content people want to share:

  • Infographics: Make pictures that explain complex ideas
  • Videos: Create short, helpful videos about your topic
  • Podcasts: Start a show about your field
  • Social Media: Share your content and talk with your followers

Improving On-Page SEO

Make your website better for search engines:

SEO Task What to Do
Keyword Research Find words people use to search for your topic
Meta Tags Write good titles and descriptions for your pages
Content Use important words in your writing
Images Add good descriptions to your pictures

Boosting Website Quality

Make your website better overall:

  • Page Speed: Make your site load faster
  • Mobile-Friendly: Make sure your site works well on phones
  • Good Content: Write helpful and clear information
  • Easy to Use: Make your site simple to navigate

Common Domain Rating Myths

DR as a Ranking Factor

Many people think Domain Rating (DR) directly affects how well a website ranks in search results. This isn't true. DR can help rankings indirectly by:

  • Getting better backlinks
  • Making a website seem more trustworthy

But Google doesn't use DR to decide rankings. John Mueller from Google says domain authority isn't a real ranking factor.

Myth Truth
DR directly affects rankings DR helps indirectly, but isn't a direct factor

DR and Organic Traffic

Higher DR often means more website visitors. But this doesn't mean DR causes more traffic. Instead:

  • Higher DR can lead to more links
  • More links can bring more visitors

DR and traffic are linked, but one doesn't directly cause the other.

Myth Truth
DR directly increases traffic DR and traffic are linked, but not cause and effect

Subdomains and DR

Subdomains can have different DR scores than their main website. This happens because:

  • Search engines see subdomains as separate sites
  • Links from subdomains might not be as strong as main domain links

Understanding how DR works for subdomains helps improve their SEO.

Myth Truth
Subdomains have same DR as main site Subdomains can have different DR scores

Domain Rating vs. Other SEO Metrics

DR vs. URL Rating

URL Rating

Domain Rating (DR) and URL Rating (UR) are two Ahrefs tools that look at website backlinks. Here's how they differ:

Metric What it Measures How it's Calculated
Domain Rating (DR) Backlinks to whole website Number and quality of links to the site
URL Rating (UR) Backlinks to one page Number and quality of links to that page

DR shows how strong a whole website is, while UR shows how strong one page is. Knowing both can help you make your website better for search engines.

DR vs. Domain Authority

Domain Authority

Domain Rating (DR) and Domain Authority (DA) are two ways to measure how strong a website is. Here's how they're different:

Metric What it Measures How it's Calculated
Domain Rating (DR) Backlinks to a website Number and quality of links to the site
Domain Authority (DA) How well a site might rank Many factors like links, content, and user experience

DR looks mainly at links, while DA looks at more things about a website. Both can help you understand how your site compares to others.

DR and Ahrefs Rank

Ahrefs Rank

Domain Rating (DR) and Ahrefs Rank (AR) are two Ahrefs tools that measure website strength. Here's how they differ:

Metric What it Measures How it's Calculated
Domain Rating (DR) Backlinks to a website Number and quality of links to the site
Ahrefs Rank (AR) How a site compares to others Links, content quality, and user experience

DR gives a score for your site's links, while AR shows how your site stacks up against others. Using both can help you see where your site stands and how to make it better.

Limits of Domain Rating

Domain Rating (DR) helps show how strong a website is, but it's not perfect. It's important to know what DR can and can't do.

DR Compared to Other Sites

DR works best when you compare your site to others. A high DR doesn't always mean:

  • Your site will show up first in search results
  • You'll get more visitors

Instead, it shows your site has better links than others. To really understand how your site is doing, look at your DR next to your competitors' scores.

Why DR Scores Change

DR scores can go up or down even if your links stay the same. This happens because:

  • DR uses a special math system
  • Small changes in links can make big changes in DR
  • Ahrefs keeps changing how they figure out DR

DR is Just One Part

DR is good for checking your site's links, but it's not the only thing that matters. Here's what you need to remember:

What DR Shows What DR Doesn't Show
How good your links are How good your content is
How your links compare to others How easy your site is to use
If your link-building is working If your site works well on phones

To get a full picture of how your site is doing, look at DR along with other things like how good your content is and how well your site works.


Domain Rating (DR) is a key tool for making your website better online. Here's what you need to know:

What DR Does What DR Doesn't Do
Shows how strong your site's links are Directly affect Google rankings
Helps compare your site to others Guarantee more visitors
Indicates if your link-building is working Measure content quality or user experience

To use DR well:

  • Look at your DR score over time
  • Compare your DR to other sites in your field
  • Use DR with other SEO tools


  • DR is just one part of SEO
  • Good content and a well-made site are also important
  • Focus on making your whole site better, not just DR

By using DR smartly and working on all parts of your site, you can:

  • Make your site stronger online
  • Get better results from your work
  • Help more people find and use your site

Keep learning about SEO and keep making your site better. This will help you do well online in the long run.


How can I increase my domain rating?

To make your Domain Rating (DR) better:

Action How it helps
Make good content Other sites will want to link to you
Write for other sites You get links from their websites
Link your pages well Helps spread link power on your site
Check your links Remove bad links that hurt your score
Talk to other site owners They might link to you if they like you

Is a higher domain rating better?

A higher DR usually means your site has good links. But it's not the only thing that matters. Here's what a higher DR can do:

Benefit What it means
Better search rankings Your site might show up higher in searches
More trust People might think your site is more reliable
More visible More people might know about your site
More chances to work with others Other sites might want to team up with you

What is the domain rating metric?

Domain Rating (DR) is a number Ahrefs uses to show how strong a website's links are. Here's what you need to know:

Fact Explanation
Scale 0 to 100
Higher is better A higher number means stronger links
What it looks at How many good sites link to you
How it's figured out Uses math to look at link quality and quantity

DR helps you see how your site's links compare to others.

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