Domain rating checker for SaaS

published on 05 December 2023

As a SaaS business owner, you likely agree that having strong domain authority is crucial for success.

This article will provide a comprehensive guide to understanding, assessing, and improving your SaaS platform's domain authority so you can gain a competitive edge.

You'll learn the basics of domain authority, how to leverage tools to check your domain rating, strategies to increase your score, and key takeaways to master this important metric.

Introduction: Navigating Domain Authority for SaaS Success

Domain authority is a score that predicts how well a website will rank in search engine results pages (SERPs). For software-as-a-service (SaaS) businesses that rely on organic traffic and conversions, having a high domain authority is crucial. This article will explain what domain authority is, why it matters for SaaS products, and provide actionable tips on checking and improving your domain authority score.

The A to Z of Domain Authority

Domain authority refers to the predictive ranking capability of a domain based on the quantity and quality of its external backlinks. There are two main domain authority metrics:

  • Moz Domain Authority (Moz DA): A score from 1-100 predicting a website's ranking capability in SERPs, with higher scores indicating a greater ability to outrank competitors. Moz DA analyzes over 20 link and page metrics like backlinks, linking domains, spam score, etc.

  • Ahrefs Domain Rating (Ahrefs DR): Similar to Moz DA, Ahrefs DR rates websites out of 100 based on referring domains and backlinks to estimate organic traffic capability.

Besides backlinks, other on-page and off-page factors like content quality, keywords usage, page speed and social shares also influence domain authority.

The Competitive Edge: Why Domain Authority is Crucial for SaaS

Higher domain authority powers organic reach, leads and conversions for SaaS businesses in numerous ways:

  • Search visibility: Websites with higher domain authority tend to achieve higher rankings for relevant keywords. This expanded organic visibility drives more qualified traffic.

  • Backlinks advantage: A higher domain rating makes it easier to acquire backlinks from authority websites, further boosting rankings.

  • Trust and authority: High domain authority metrics like Moz DA signify greater trust and authority in the eyes of Google and users. This perception can increase click-through-rates.

  • SEO capability: With a higher domain authority baseline, it becomes easier to optimize pages and content for target keywords to expand organic presence.

Checking and monitoring domain authority must be an integral part of every SaaS business's SEO strategy.

How do I find my domain rating?

Moz, SEMrush, and Ahrefs offer useful domain rating checker tools to evaluate your website's domain authority. These tools analyze the quality and quantity of backlinks pointing to your site to generate a domain rating score.

The process to find your domain rating is quite straightforward:

  • Visit Moz, SEMrush, or Ahrefs and create a free account. Moz offers a limited free account, while Ahrefs and SEMrush have free trial options.
  • Enter your website URL into the domain analysis tool. Make sure to include the "www" and "https://" parts for the most accurate results.
  • The tool will scan and analyze all backlinks pointing to your domain. This usually takes a few minutes to complete.
  • Once finished, your domain authority score will display. Moz uses Domain Authority, Ahrefs uses Domain Rating, and SEMrush uses Domain Score. But they all indicate the same thing - your website's link authority.

To increase your domain rating, focus on earning backlinks from high authority websites related to your niche. Guest posting and link inserts on popular blogs are great tactics. Just resist low-quality paid links as they can actually damage your domain authority.

Tracking your domain rating regularly lets you gauge your SEO efforts. Aim for steady, natural growth over time. With quality content and smart link building, you can continue boosting your website's domain authority.

How is domain rating calculated?

Domain rating is a metric used by Ahrefs to measure the strength and authority of a website's entire domain based on the quality and quantity of backlinks from external domains.

While other metrics like Moz's Domain Authority focus on the number of backlinks, Domain Rating uses a proprietary algorithm that evaluates additional factors:

  • The number of referring domains: The more external websites link to your domain, the higher your Domain Rating.

  • The quality of referring domains: Links from high-authority sites like Wikipedia or Amazon boost your Domain Rating more than links from low-quality domains.

So in summary, Domain Rating examines backlinks at a domain-wide level to benchmark your entire website's power and trustworthiness. By monitoring this over time through tools like Ahrefs, you can measure the success of link building campaigns and optimize your SEO strategy.

What is the difference between domain rating and URL rating?

URL Rating (UR) is a metric that shows how strong the backlink profile of a target URL is on a scale from 1 to 100. Generally speaking, each page passes its rating score to all the pages that it links to.

Domain Rating (DR) is a metric that shows the strength of a given website's overall backlink profile.

Some key differences:

  • UR is page-specific, while DR evaluates the entire domain
  • UR focuses on the quality of backlinks pointing to that URL only. DR considers all backlinks pointing to any page on the domain.
  • UR can vary greatly from page to page, while DR tends to be relatively stable across a domain

So in summary:

  • UR rates the power of a specific URL/page based on links pointing to that page
  • DR rates the power of the entire domain based on links pointing to any page on that domain

Checking both UR and DR gives you a more complete picture of a website's overall link strength and SEO power. UR shows you how authority passes specifically to key pages, while DR evaluates domain-wide authority.

Using tools like Ahrefs and Moz, you can easily analyze UR and DR metrics to gauge the link building impact for a target URL or domain. Monitoring changes to these ratings over time is also helpful for measuring SEO progress.


What is good domain authority score?

A good domain authority (DA) score typically falls between 50-60 or higher on a scale of 1-100.

Scores between 40-50 are considered average, while scores below 40 are low or poor. As a general benchmark:

  • DA 40-50 - Average
  • DA 50-60 - Good
  • DA 60+ - Excellent

A higher DA score signals to Google and users that a domain is reputable and trustworthy. It often translates into higher search engine rankings, more organic traffic, and better click-through rates.

Some tips to improve domain authority:

  • Produce high-quality, optimized content consistently
  • Build backlinks from authoritative sites
  • Encourage social shares
  • Reduce site errors and increase site speed

Checking your domain authority regularly with tools like Moz's DA checker or Ahrefs' backlink checker helps gauge your progress.

Focusing efforts on increasing DA leads to long-term gains in organic search performance and brand credibility. While a DA above 60 is ideal, continual improvements into the 50-60 "good" range still positively impact a site's ability to rank well and attract users.

Assessing Your SaaS Platform's Authority: Tools and Metrics

Understanding your domain's authority is critical for any SaaS business. Higher domain authority signals to Google and users that your site is trustworthy and should rank higher in search results. This section will overview the top tools for checking domain authority and key metrics to monitor.

Leveraging Moz DA Checker for Insight

Moz Domain Authority (DA) is one of the most popular domain authority metrics. It ranges from 1-100, with higher scores indicating greater trust and authority. Moz DA is calculated based on the number and quality of backlinks pointing to your domain.

You can easily check your Moz DA using Moz's Link Explorer. Just enter your domain and navigate to the Domain Authority graph. Monitoring changes to your DA over time is key for assessing the impact of your link building and content marketing efforts. Sudden drops may indicate issues like negative SEO or the loss of strong backlinks.

Deciphering Ahrefs Domain Rating: A Comprehensive Guide

Ahrefs Domain Rating (DR) is similar to Moz DA but uses a unique 0-100 scale and methodology focused on evaluating quality links via dozens of factors. Understanding how Ahrefs calculates DR can provide deeper insight into your domain's authority.

Check your Ahrefs DR in Site Explorer under the Domain Stats module. It's wise to regularly monitor your DR history to spot trends and correlate growth/declines with SEO activities. You can also leverage the Ahrefs backlink checker to audit new and lost backlinks influencing changes.

Conducting a Bulk DA Assessment

Checking domain authority for just your site provides a myopic view. SaaS brands need to track domain metrics across their portfolio and monitor competitors.

Tools like Moz's Bulk DA checker and Ahref's Batch Domain Analysis allow mass DA assessment across thousands of domains. You can upload lists of company domains/products, competitors, or even entire industries to surface insightful domain authority patterns.

Additional Domain Metrics to Monitor

While Moz DA and Ahrefs DR are most popular, other domain authority metrics can provide unique perspective:

  • SEMrush Domain Authority - 1-100 score based on over 40 factors like links, traffic, rankings, etc.
  • Majestic Trust Flow - 0-100 gauge of site trustworthiness via flow of citations
  • Majestic Citation Flow - 0-100 measure of link equity flow via backlinks

Regularly monitoring domain authority across various metrics can help spot issues early and identify new link building opportunities.

Strategies to Elevate Your SaaS Domain's Authority

Offer actionable tips on improving domain authority through content, backlinks, technical optimization, and monitoring metrics over time.

Creating Compelling Content to Boost Moz DA

Quality content is key for elevating domain authority. Here are some best practices when creating content to boost Moz DA for your SaaS site:

  • Optimize pages and posts for relevant keywords. This helps search engines understand what your content is about, leading to better rankings. Make sure to include your focus keywords naturally in headings, content, URLs, meta descriptions, alt text, etc.

  • Create long-form, in-depth content like guides and resources. These not only attract more links, but also establish your site as an authority on important topics.

  • Regularly publish new, unique content to give search engines fresh pages to index. This shows your site is active and expanding its breadth of expertise. Aim for at least one new piece of 2000+ word content per month.

  • Make content scannable with formatting like headings, lists, images, quotes, etc. This improves readability and helps readers quickly grasp your key information.

  • Include statistics, expert opinions, case studies, and real-world examples to make content more authoritative. Cite reputable sources.

  • Optimize content for voice search with natural language and conversational wording. More search queries are performed by voice, so this helps search engines understand your content.

By focusing on content quality and optimization, your SaaS site can better attract links while establishing itself as an authoritative industry resource. This directly translates into significant lifts in Moz DA over time.

Link building is hugely impactful for improving domain authority. Ahrefs Backlink Checker provides invaluable intelligence to inform link-building efforts:

  • Use Ahrefs to identify websites linking to your competitors but not to you. These become prime targets for outreach to earn backlinks. Sort by domain rating to prioritize higher-authority sites.

  • Discover any broken backlinks pointing to your site. Proactively reach out to site owners, offering to restore or replace the broken content with new, relevant pages that link back.

  • Monitor metrics like referring domains and total backlinks over time. This reveals impact of link-building efforts and indicates when more outreach is needed.

  • Review the anchor text mix pointing to your site. Ensure your target keywords have enough relevant anchor text links, as this signals search engines about important pages to potentially rank.

  • Check if existing backlinks come from diverse authoritative sites related to your industry. Focus efforts on earning links from reputable sites covering missing topical areas.

Continuous monitoring through Ahrefs enables informed link-building strategies that steadily amplify domain authority for SaaS platforms.

How to Increase Domain Authority: A Tactical Playbook

Here is a step-by-step guide SaaS platforms can follow to enhance domain authority through effective SEO and marketing:

1. Set Specific Domain Authority Goals

  • Establish clear numeric targets for Moz DA to improve within 6-12 months
  • Benchmark against competitors' domain authority in your space

2. Improve Technical SEO

  • Analyze site speed, responsiveness, security with tools like Google PageSpeed, Pingdom Website Speed Test
  • Resolve critical violations to strengthen site infrastructure

3. Create Targeted Content

  • Research industry keywords with highest search volume and lowest difficulty
  • Develop in-depth, useful content optimized for focus keywords

4. Build Quality Backlinks

  • Identify relevant high-authority sites to connect with for backlinks
  • Create resources like guides, tools, datasets as link-worthy assets
  • Guest post on reputable industry publications

5. Monitor and Refine Efforts

  • Use Moz and Ahrefs to track domain authority and backlinks monthly
  • Review top-ranking competitors and identify site areas to improve
  • Test new content formats and backlink sources to refine approach

Following this playbook, SaaS platforms can implement high-impact processes to steadily elevate domain authority over time. Monitoring progress and iterating based on data enables efficient course-correction towards goals.

Technical Optimization for Domain Authority

While content and links play a major role, technical site elements impact domain authority as well. Some key optimizations:

Site Speed: Faster sites rank better in search and offer a better user experience. Compress images, enable caching, minimize redirects, and optimize code.

Mobile Friendliness: With Google's mobile-first index, sites must be optimized for mobile devices. Use responsive design, eliminate pop-ups, resize click areas.

UI/UX: Simple navigation, visual hierarchy and effective calls to action improve conversions and visitor engagement. This signals to search engines that content is user-friendly.

Security: An SSL certificate and elimination of broken links/404 errors instill user trust. This helps search engine assessment of site quality.

Technical optimizations like these improve site infrastructure strength and credibility, lending to higher domain authority appraisal.

Monitoring Domain Authority: Tracking Success and Setbacks

Checking Moz Domain Authority and Ahrefs Domain Rating at regular intervals is crucial for monitoring the success of efforts to improve it over time.

Benefits include:

  • Quantifying impact of specific initiatives like new content, links from an influencer campaign, site redesign etc

  • Identifying issues causing domain authority drops to quickly investigate and rectify

  • Gauging how domain authority stacks against competitors to inform strategy

  • Maintaining momentum by setting new targets once existing domain authority goals get fulfilled

Through consistent tracking in Moz and Ahrefs, SaaS sites can actively steer their domain authority growth strategy towards ambitious yet attainable targets. Rather than a vague end goal, higher authority becomes a quantified milestone in an accelerating journey of constant improvement through data-backed search visibility gains.

Mastering Domain Authority: Key Takeaways for SaaS Platforms

Domain authority (DA) is a crucial metric for SaaS businesses to monitor. As an indicator of your overall website quality and authority, improving your DA can lead to higher search rankings, increased organic traffic, more sales opportunities, and overall business growth.

Here are the key takeaways for SaaS platforms looking to master domain authority:

  • Check your DA regularly. Use free tools like Moz and Ahrefs to keep tabs on your DA score. Monitoring it over time shows the impact of your SEO and content efforts.

  • Aim for a DA above 30. While the Moz DA scale goes up to 100, a score above 30 means you have an authority site. Top SaaS sites can have DA scores above 60.

  • Create high-quality content. Optimized blog posts and guides build domain authority by earning backlinks and engagement. Content also fuels organic traffic.

  • Build external links. Earn links from industry websites through guest posts, partnerships and interviews. Ethical link building is key for lifting DA.

  • Optimize site speed. Fast page load times strengthen domain authority signals. Compress images, minify code and enable caching for speed gains.

Monitoring and improving your SaaS site's domain authority leads to higher organic visibility, more quality traffic and greater subscriber and revenue opportunities over the long-term.

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