Check your website ranking for keyword

published on 05 December 2023

Most website owners would agree:

It's challenging to accurately track your website's search engine rankings.

But what if you could easily check your site's keyword rankings whenever you wanted?**

You'd gain valuable insights to help optimize your SEO and content strategy.

In this post, I'll show you 5 methods to check your website's keyword rankings, from leveraging free Google tools to exploring powerful 3rd party SEO ranking checkers.

Introduction: Unveiling the Importance of Keyword Rankings

Ranking highly for important keywords is essential for any business looking to drive organic search traffic, leads, and sales. By tracking your website's keyword rankings over time, you gain invaluable insight into your SEO progress and overall online visibility.

Regularly checking rankings reveals how impactful your latest content and technical optimizations have been for target keywords. A sudden drop could indicate a site issue to address, while a rise confirms your efforts are paying off. Monitoring rankings also helps uncover new keyword opportunities to pursue in your content and metadata.

With Listing Bot's automated directory submissions expediting your link building, you're better positioned for rankings growth. Combine this with keen attention on your keyword rankings, and you have a recipe for search visibility that converts visitors into leads and customers. Don't leave your rankings to chance - measure them consistently with reliable tools.

How do I find my website keyword ranking?

If you want to check your SEO rankings on Google and don't want to count the results individually, only a live rank checker can help. Simply enter your keyword (this can also be a group of words or a phrase) and add your domain. By clicking on "Check ranking", your ranking is retrieved within seconds.

Keyword rank checker tools allow you to quickly see where your target keywords rank for a given domain across Google search. Rather than manually searching and counting page positions, rank checkers provide immediate feedback on your site's Google rankings.

Here are some tips on using rank checkers to monitor your website's keyword performance:

  • Choose 1-2 primary target keywords or keyphrases per page that align with your content and intended audience search queries. Focus on tracking and improving rankings for these core terms.
  • Add your root domain name when setting up tracking (i.e. This allows you to monitor rankings site-wide or for important categories/pages.
  • Check rankings regularly to spot trends and fluctuations. Rankings naturally shift over time, so continuous monitoring is key.
  • Review rankings monthly or quarterly to gauge SEO progress. Compare to past rankings and aim for gradual improvements over long periods through ongoing optimization.
  • If rankings decline, review recent on-page and technical changes. Revert issues and refresh content to regain lost positions.

Using accurate Google ranking checker tools like Listing Bot's can take the guesswork out of determining your site's search visibility. With rank tracking in place, you'll gain valuable SEO insights to inform strategy and content decisions.

How do I check the keyword performance of a website?

Before diving into keyword performance tracking, you must ensure that your website is fully optimized for SEO best practices. This includes technical optimizations like site speed, mobile responsiveness, structured data markup, alt text for images, and internal linking. You'll also want to ensure your content targets relevant keywords so search engines understand what your pages are about.

With those basics covered, here are some top tools for monitoring your website's keyword rankings:


Ahrefs offers a Keyword Explorer tool that shows estimated search volume and difficulty score for millions of keywords. After adding your site, it displays your current ranking position for tracked keywords. The position history graph is helpful for spotting trends over time. While paid plans offer more features, Ahrefs Lite plan provides basic rank tracking capabilities for free.


A popular all-in-one digital marketing platform, SEMrush provides rank tracking and comprehensive keyword data. It tracks search ranking positions for your site's pages by keyword across Google and Bing. The detailed reports even highlight opportunities to target more valuable keywords your site could potentially rank for.

Google Search Console

While not strictly a rank checker, Search Console offers insights into how Google indexes and ranks your pages. Connect your site to see impressions, clicks, and average position for queries that brought traffic from Google search. This free tool from the search engine itself provides authoritative ranking data.

Consistency is key for reliable keyword tracking. Using multiple tools helps validate ranking positions and spot trends over time. Focus tracking on a targeted set of 20-30 priority keywords relevant to your business offerings. Monitoring too many keywords creates analysis paralysis. Review reports regularly to inform your SEO and content strategies.

How do I check my website page ranking?

Checking your website's page ranking is crucial to understanding its overall performance and search engine presence. With Listing Bot's automated directory submissions, you can increase your site's visibility and authority to improve its rankings over time.

However, it's wise to occasionally check your important pages' rankings directly so you can track progress and identify new optimization opportunities. Here are the best ways to monitor your website's Google rankings:

Use Free Keyword Rank Checking Tools

Multiple free online tools allow you to input a target keyword or URL to instantly see its Google ranking. Some top options include:

  • SEO Site Checkup - Provides position history graphs and actionable SEO advice to improve rankings. It's easy and unlimited checks are free.
  • SERPstat - Checks rankings in your location and offers position tracking over time. The basic free plan works for casual checks.
  • Advanced Web Rankings - Long-standing rank checker with keyword suggestions and competitor tracking options. Free account checks 5 keywords.

These tools connect to Google, pull ranking data, and display where your pages place for chosen keywords. The easiest way to start optimizing is targeting more valuable keywords in content that currently rank poorly.

Check Search Console Data

For site owners, Search Console offers the most accurate rankings data direct from Google. Connect your site, then visit the Performance section.

Here you'll see your pages' rankings for all keywords they rank for. Filter by query and country to analyze performance for your most important keywords and locations.

Use Search Console's click, impression, and position data to guide your keyword targeting and content optimization. Listing Bot will help your pages gain authority and increase visibility in SERPs over time.

Track Rankings Manually

You can also manually check rankings for important pages and posts. Simply search target keywords in Google and browse through results pages to see where your content places.

Check ranking positions in Google search and Google News if relevant. Make notes on which pieces rank well and where there's room for improvement.

Manual checks give real search results tailored to your location and search history. Over time you'll get an accurate view of rankings for key terms.

Use these free tools and manual checks to monitor your site's Google rankings. Identify top-performing content as well as pages in need of SEO optimization. As Listing Bot submits your site to more quality directories, your domain authority, backlinks, and rankings will continue improving.


How do I check my keyword ranking in bulk?

Listing Bot's bulk keyword rank checker allows you to easily track your website's keyword rankings across Google search. This helps you identify opportunities to improve your SEO and content strategy.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use the tool:

Add Your Website

First, enter the URL of the website you want to check rankings for. This allows the tool to pull ranking data specific to your site.

Connect Google Analytics and Search Console

Next, connect your Google Analytics and Google Search Console accounts. This gives the rank checker access to valuable ranking and traffic data from these platforms. Simply click the relevant buttons and sign into your accounts.

Select Search Engine and Location

You can customize the search engine (Google, Bing, Yahoo) and location you want to check rankings for. Focusing on Google rankings in your target country is generally recommended.

Input Keywords

Now add the keywords you want to track. You can enter keywords one by one or bulk upload a CSV file containing your keyword list. Tracking 10-20 keywords is a good start.

Check Rankings

Finally, click the "Check Rankings" button. The tool will analyze your keyword rankings and provide useful data like current position, previous positions, search volume, and more.

You can export the ranking data as a CSV file for further analysis. Re-check rankings periodically to track progress.

By leveraging Listing Bot's bulk rank checking feature, you can analyze your website's keyword rankings at scale to inform your SEO and content efforts. Identifying high potential keywords to target can help increase organic traffic and performance.

Employing Keyword Rank Checker Tools

Understanding your website's current ranking position for important keywords is crucial for evaluating your SEO strategy. This section will overview the process of checking your site's rankings using free tools like Google Search Console and third-party rank checkers.

Leveraging the Free Google Website Ranking Checker

Google Search Console (GSC) offers webmasters a free and authoritative option to view keyword rankings. Here are the key steps:

  • Verify website ownership in GSC. This confirms you manage the site and can access ranking data.
  • Submit a sitemap to ensure GSC fully crawls your site.
  • Navigate to Performance > Queries in GSC to view rankings.
  • Filter by country, device, query matching options, and date range to analyze rankings for target keywords.
  • Click specific keywords to see ranking breakdowns per URL, identifying pages needing optimization.

Regularly checking rankings in GSC provides reliable insight into how your high-priority keywords are performing on Google over time.

Beyond Google Search Console, many free third-party tools can check rankings:

  • SEMrush - Offers limited free account to track up to 10 keywords. Comprehensive rank checker.
  • MozBar - Browser extension checks Google rankings for highlighted keywords. Easy to use.
  • Ubersuggest - Neil Patel's free rank checker showing keyword data and top 10 ranking domains.
  • Rank Tracker - Up to 25 weekly checks for free users. Supports multiple countries and devices.
  • SerpChecker - Checks Google rankings in real time for free up to 10 keywords.

When using these tools:

  • Check rankings on both mobile and desktop.
  • Use private browsing mode for unbiased results.
  • Double check with GSC data for accuracy.
  • Monitor rankings weekly/monthly to spot trends over time.

Third-party rank checkers complement GSC with expanded keyword analysis, ease of use, and tracking continuity during website migrations. Refer to official Google data, but leverage both free options to fully grasp your site's keyword rankings.

Deciphering and Capitalizing on Ranking Insights

Understanding your website's ranking position for important keywords can provide invaluable insights to inform your SEO strategy. By analyzing ranking reports and tracking trends over time, you gain clarity on what's working and where there's room for improvement.

Aiming for Top Ranking Keywords on Google

Ideally, you want to rank on the first page of Google, and even better - in the top 3 organic results, for your most valuable keyword terms. Top 3 ranking keywords tend to receive the majority of clicks and traffic from search engine users.

If your site currently doesn't rank for critical keywords, focus content optimization and link-building efforts on those terms. Study what your competitors are doing to rank highly. Enhance your pages with schema markup to improve relevancy. Craft compelling title tags and meta descriptions to increase click-through-rate.

Once you do crack the first page for target keywords, continue optimizing to reach and maintain a top 3 position. This visibility can significantly impact organic traffic and conversions.

Rather than checking rankings sporadically, use a free Google website ranking checker or keyword rank checking tool to track your site's keyword positions over time.

Monitoring rankings week-over-week and month-over-month with a SEO ranking checker free tool reveals meaningful trends - which terms you’re ranking better and worse for. These insights equip you to double down on what’s working and course correct underperforming areas of your SEO strategy.

For example, a downward trend for once strong ranking keywords could indicate a need for fresh, relevant content. An upward trend for new focus keywords confirms your recent optimization efforts are paying dividends.

Consistent tracking with a Google SEO ranking checker transforms keyword rankings data into strategic actions that boost organic search visibility.

Elevating Your Site with Keyword Tracking Tools

Optimizing for Google SEO Ranking Checker Approval

To optimize your website pages and content for target keywords, focus on both on-page and off-page optimization tactics.

On-page optimization entails ensuring your keyword appears naturally within your content, headlines, meta descriptions, alt text, schema markup, etc. As you create and edit pages, keep the user intent and search queries in mind. Answer their questions directly while using keywords appropriately to match their search.

Additionally, provide value by sharing your expertise, experiences and insights. Content with unique commentary helps build authority and trust. Optimize page load times as well, since site speed impacts rankings. Use descriptive filenames, optimize images, and minify code.

Interlink internal pages to distribute equity and topical relevance signals. External sites may also link to your content if it offers a depth of information.

Overall, create content that solves users' problems and meets their search needs. Keyword tracking will then demonstrate positive progress.

Earning backlinks from reputable external sites signals trust and authority to Google. This builds rankings by directing referral traffic and link equity your way.

An effective tactic is guest posting on popular blogs within your niche. Provide useful, engaging articles with optimized anchor text links. Direct outreach to site owners can enable guest author opportunities.

You might also encourage others to naturally mention your brand. Share insights within communities, provide media commentary, or publish resources like online tools. Useful brand exposure can incentivize organic links. Just ensure website refers have strong domain metrics - high traffic levels, solid Google authority scores, etc.

In essence, focus on link building strategies centered around value, without manipulative or deceptive tactics. Building a noteworthy presence as an industry thought leader can continually earn referrals through stellar expertise and content.

Mastering Your SEO Journey: Recap and Strategic Actions

Tracking your website's keyword rankings is a crucial part of any effective SEO strategy. As you work to improve your site's visibility in search engines, regularly checking rankings provides insight into the impact of your optimization efforts.

Here are some key takeaways around tracking keyword rankings:

  • Use free tools like Google Search Console and third-party rank checkers to monitor rankings for important keywords. This helps identify areas for improvement.
  • Check rankings regularly (e.g. monthly) to spot trends and progress. Momentum is key with SEO, so stay updated.
  • Compare rankings across different tools to confirm accuracy and identify discrepancies needing attention.
  • Leverage rank tracking APIs offered by some tools to automate monitoring and save time.
  • Focus on your site's rankings for valuable mid- and long-tail keywords that attract qualified visitors, not just high-traffic short-tail keywords.

As you continue optimizing your website for organic search, make rank tracking an integral part of your workflow. Consistent monitoring provides the feedback needed to refine your SEO strategy and propel website growth.

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